Here is Leaque Of Legends Items List and Explanation
Items and Equipment
As the game progresses you’ll acquire gold you can spend on powerful items
that improve your champions performance on the Fields of Justice. Items
can provide all manner of useful bonuses such as faster movement,
improved damage, increased durability, reduced ability cooldowns, etc.
You can purchase items from the shop near the summoner platform where
you spawn at the beginning of a game.
Item Filters
Item Grid
- Abyssal Scepter
- Aegis of the Legion
- Amplifying Tome
- Ancient Coin
- Archangel's Staff
- Archangel's Staff (Crystal Scar)
- Athene's Unholy Grail
- Atma's Impaler
- Augment: Death
- Augment: Gravity
- Augment: Power
- Avarice Blade
- B. F. Sword
- Banner of Command
- Banshee's Veil
- Berserker's Greaves
- Bilgewater Cutlass
- Blackfire Torch
- Blade of the Ruined King
- Blasting Wand
- Bonetooth Necklace
- Boots of Mobility
- Boots of Speed
- Boots of Swiftness
- Brawler's Gloves
- Catalyst the Protector
- Chain Vest
- Chalice of Harmony
- Cloak of Agility
- Cloth Armor
- Crystalline Flask
- Dagger
- Deathfire Grasp
- Doran's Blade
- Doran's Ring
- Doran's Shield
- Elixir of Brilliance
- Elixir of Fortitude
- Entropy
- Executioner's Calling
- Explorer's Ward
- Face of the Mountain
- Faerie Charm
- Farsight Orb (Trinket)
- Fiendish Codex
- Frost Queen's Claim
- Frostfang
- Frozen Heart
- Frozen Mallet
- Giant's Belt
- Glacial Shroud
- Greater Lens (Trinket)
- Greater Orb (Trinket)
- Greater Stealth Totem (Trinket)
- Greater Totem (Trinket)
- Greater Vision Totem (Trinket)
- Grez's Spectral Lantern
- Guardian Angel
- Guardian's Horn
- Guinsoo's Rageblade
- Haunting Guise
- Health Potion
- Hexdrinker
- Hextech Gunblade
- Hextech Revolver
- Hextech Sweeper
- Hunter's Machete
- Iceborn Gauntlet
- Ichor of Illumination
- Ichor of Rage
- Infinity Edge
- Ionian Boots of Lucidity
- Kindlegem
- Kitae's Bloodrazor
- Last Whisper
- Liandry's Torment
- Lich Bane
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Long Sword
- Madred's Razors
- Mana Potion
- Manamune
- Manamune (Crystal Scar)
- Maw of Malmortius
- Mejai's Soulstealer
- Mercurial Scimitar
- Mercury's Treads
- Mikael's Crucible
- Moonflair Spellblade
- Morellonomicon
- Muramana
- Muramana
- Nashor's Tooth
- Needlessly Large Rod
- Negatron Cloak
- Ninja Tabi
- Nomad's Medallion
- Null-Magic Mantle
- Odyn's Veil
- Ohmwrecker
- Oracle's Extract
- Oracle's Lens (Trinket)
- Orb of Winter
- Overlord's Bloodmail
- Phage
- Phantom Dancer
- Pickaxe
- Poro-Snax
- Prospector's Blade
- Prospector's Ring
- Quicksilver Sash
- Rabadon's Deathcap
- Randuin's Omen
- Ravenous Hydra (Melee Only)
- Recurve Bow
- Rejuvenation Bead
- Relic Shield
- Rod of Ages
- Rod of Ages (Crystal Scar)
- Ruby Crystal
- Ruby Sightstone
- Runaan's Hurricane (Ranged Only)
- Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- Sanguine Blade
- Sapphire Crystal
- Scrying Orb (Trinket)
- Seeker's Armguard
- Seraph's Embrace
- Seraph's Embrace
- Sheen
- Sightstone
- Sorcerer's Shoes
- Spectre's Cowl
- Spellthief's Edge
- Spirit Stone
- Spirit Visage
- Spirit of the Ancient Golem
- Spirit of the Elder Lizard
- Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
- Statikk Shiv
- Stealth Ward
- Stinger
- Sunfire Cape
- Sweeping Lens (Trinket)
- Sword of the Divine
- Sword of the Occult
- Talisman of Ascension
- Targon's Brace
- Tear of the Goddess
- Tear of the Goddess (Crystal Scar)
- The Black Cleaver
- The Bloodthirster
- The Brutalizer
- The Hex Core
- The Lightbringer
- Thornmail
- Tiamat (Melee Only)
- Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation
- Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation
- Trinity Force
- Twin Shadows
- Twin Shadows
- Vampiric Scepter
- Vision Ward
- Void Staff
- Warden's Mail
- Warding Totem (Trinket)
- Warmog's Armor
- Will of the Ancients
- Wit's End
- Wooglet's Witchcap
- Wriggle's Lantern
- Youmuu's Ghostblade
- Zeal
- Zeke's Herald
- Zephyr
- Zhonya's Hourglass
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